There was Dick York, the original
Darren and then there was Dick Seargent.
Source:DirectExpose, The Truth About
The Cast And Crew Of ‘Bewitched’Published 2 years ago on May 10, 2016 By Sinead
McIntyre (zl: I will comment throughout--Zane Ladhani)
1. Elizabeth Montgomery played
multiple roles (zl: If the Samantha character made you walk funny---if you're a man.....or even if you're a woman than the other characters are the cream.....the cherry or ......)

As most of you know, Elizabeth
Montgomery starred as the beloved main character in Bewitched, Samantha. Well,
in TV, lots of things are subject to change. At some point, she also took up
the role of Samantha’s cousin, Serena, (zl: mmmmmm....donut.....adults enjoy that just dream of actual donuts) a progressive hippie-type witch who
always manages to get on Samantha’s nerves.

Serena has a distinct mark on her
check (zl: that's cheek) that changes shape every episode such as a heart or a fish. The
resemblance between Serena and Samantha is unmistakable but Montgomery
apparently was able to fool some of the show’s staff the first time she wore
the Serena wig. Also, if you look at the credits, the role of Serena is
credited to a “Pandora Spocks,” a play on words of “Pandora’s Box.”
2. Samantha’s nose wiggles were part
camera magic

Now, this is groundbreaking news.
The signature part of the show was Samantha’s nose wiggles. Erin Murphy, who
played the character’s daughter said that the “wiggle was actually a camera
trick.” Can you believe it?
Samantha’s nose does slightly
wiggle, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that it’s just her upper lip
that she’s moving. The wiggle was based on a twitch that Montgomery had in real
life when she got nervous. To enhance the wiggle, the film was sped up slightly
and accompanied by the classic xylophone sound. Many fans believed that
Montgomery got the role because of the nose wiggle ability, but she was
actually already cast for the part by the time the nose idea came up.
3. Actress Marion Lorne had a pretty
kooky collection

Actress Marion Lorne played the role
of quirky Aunt Clara. Real life Lorne had a thing with doorknobs, and it made
its way into the script based on the actress’s actual adoration for them. The
odd obsession only added to the lovable Aunt Clara who was constantly
forgetting things and whose spells regularly ended in disaster due to losing
her powers to old age.

Apparently, Lorne had a collection
of over 1,000 antique door knobs! She even used some of the doorknobs from her
personal collection as props in the series. Wonder where she put them all.
Lorne appeared in 27 episodes and sadly died in 1968 of a heart attack. She was
never replaced in the series. (zl: Her character was a lovable knob.)

4. A series finale to forget
Generally, producers want the final
episode of their series to be a memorable one. That certainly wasn’t the case
with Bewitched. Did it feel familiar to you? It should have. The final episode,
“The Truth, Nothing but the Truth, So Help Me Sam,” was nothing more than a
rehash of a 1965 episode entitled “Speak the Truth.”
Endora, suspicious of Darrin, casts
a spell on Samantha’s pin causing everyone in proximity to it to tell the
truth. Fights ensue at Darrin’s work and at home when he has clients over for
cocktails. In the end, everything works out with the clients and Darrin and
Samantha truthfully profess their love to one another.
5. The nosy neighbor with a dark
Alice Pearce, better known as Gladys
the nosy neighbor, appeared on the show from 1964 to 1966. But she kept a huge
secret to herself when she took the part. She had been diagnosed with terminal
cancer. She never told any of her co-stars (zl: I guess now we can forgive her for all her stupidity.)
Pearce was diagnosed with ovarian
cancer around four months prior to landing the gig on Bewitch and never showed
signs that she was ill, at least not any the cast members or producers noticed.
She was awarded a posthumous Outstanding Supporting Actress Emmy Award for her
role as Alice.
6. Darrin’s back injury
Dick York, the first actor who played Darrin, suffered a severe back injury in 1959 during the filming of the movie “They Came To Cordura.” From the third season of Bewitched, York had health issues that delayed production of the series. Many episodes were written so that York could be seated or lying down. (
As a result, his character Darrin
was frequently “away on business.” In January 1969, York collapse during the
filming of the episode “Daddy Does His Thing.” He never returned to the set of
Bewitched. Dick Sargent was cast that very same month to replace York.
Audiences were apparently not pleased with the swap seeing as how ratings
significantly dropped after the switch. (zl: I think Dick Sargent did a good job but I definitely missed Dick York.)
7. Repeating and “borrowing”
As the series started to decline in
popularity, so did the show’s writing. After Dick York suddenly left the show,
much of the audience started losing interest. As a result, many episodes were
just copies of previous Bewitched episodes or storyline copies of other shows. (If you're rich you can plagerize. I've been watching episodes with different Dicks ..... giggle..... and I enjoy the show about the same. Both Dicks ..... giggle.... had their own style. I will watch with a more critical eye. I'm watching at a different time and I plan to love the show before I watch it so I just take the joy and leave the rest aside. I don't want to ruin the fun with too many facts. I will tell you if I see something that really stands out. Now I'm going back to staring at Samantha..... I mean typing.....sounds of whips....yes boss......Keep reading .... or I'll have to wear disco clothes.....Yeah that would be punishment.....not!!! Oh, in public.....yup ..... that would be a problem. ..... typing continues)
William Asher, the producer of the
show, was also the director of the beloved sitcom I Love Lucy. Some of the
Bewitched episodes were direct copies of I Love Lucy storylines, such as the
episode entitled “Samantha’s Power Failure.” The episode featured Serena and Uncle
Arthur working at a candy factory dipping bananas in chocolate and nuts then
packaging them. (zl: If you loved Lucy then you'll love Samantha. Could the banana dipping be seen another way? Should I say it? It could be something to do with white men liking black women......or am I going too far with that?)
8. Three sets of twins played
The Olsen twins weren’t the only
cute twins that shared a role in a TV series. Bewitched, however, took a
different approach and used multiple sets of twins to fill the role of Tabitha. (zl: Hey, that's not my daughter. Neither is that. And neither is that........Hey...!!!!)
In the season 2 episode, “And Then
There Were Three,” Samantha and Darrin have a baby daughter named Tabitha, the
infant is played by Cynthia Black. Then she got replaced by twins Heidi and
Laura Gentry and then again by twins Tamar and Julie Young! Finally, the
producers stuck with twin toddlers Diane Murphy and Erin Murphy, who shared the
role starting in season 3. (zl: Hey, weren't just over there?)
9. “Long Live the Queen”
Despite Samantha’s unorthodox
lifestyle, she was appointed Queen of the Witches after the former Queen
abdicated from the throne. Just goes to show that being strong-willed and
having a firm set of beliefs pays off. But Samantha didn’t accept the position
willingly. (zl: Isn't that special? She was a witch and a queen. She was always nice so I wouldn't have a problem with her being the queen of witches.....mmmm Samantha.....drool....sorry)
Darrin didn’t want her to be queen
and Sam herself didn’t think she would be able to juggle the responsibilities
of the position and her family at the same time. In the end, everything worked
out. All hail the queen! (zl: You got it, Sinead )
10. Endora was older than sliced
We all know that the witches in
Bewitched live much longer than mortals. Throughout the series, many references
are made to Endora’s age. They are not always consistent and it’s hard to know
if she was being sarcastic, but did you catch her oldest reference?
In one episode Endora states that
she dated “Otzie the Ice Man” who lived around 3500 BC. That would make her
over 5,500 years old! Her daughter Samantha is believed to have been born
between 1570 and 1600, making her over 400. (zl: You would think witches could make themselves look perpetually young.... or at least whatever their favorite age was.)
11. The Bewitched “Curse”
Elizabeth Montgomery was diagnosed
with colon cancer and struggled with the disease for many years. At one point
her doctors believed that she was cancer free after treatment but the cancer
returned and spread to her liver. Refusing to die in a hospital, she spent her
last days at home with her husband, Robert Foxworth. ( zl: RIP you beautiful woman. I grew up watching Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie and a bunch of other great shows. It`s sad that anyone has to struggle and suffer the hell of cancer.) We have to find a better way to treat cancer until we are allowed to use the cure for cancer which is out there. I believe that money can make your experience a bit more hellish. When my mother was being treated, first with pills and then with chemo, I found out that sometimes you could pay to live. I met enough people who had similar situations as my mother but they seemed to live longer or forever as long as they kept donating to the hospital.)
Montgomery died on June 18, 1995.
She was 62 years old. Such a large percentage of the cast died of cancer that
people refer to it as the “Bewitched curse.” One researcher calculated that 85%
of the cast has died from cancer. ( zl: That is scary. It would be interesting to see how many people in general died of cancer in those days. Was there something about the sets or the cast lifestyles?)
12. The case of the two Darrins
More than one actor was used to play
the character of Samantha’s husband, Darrin. Dick York was replaced by Dick
Sargent, without any type of acknowledgment by the characters in the show. They
just kept going as usual. (zl: They do that in soap operas and people love it.... or hate it....or ......a F.....ix it auto.....I don't get money for that.....well. I'll take it if they give it.....Mercedes......Lamborghini......Coca Cola.....Apple.....Google.....Baskin Robbins....Druxys.....McDonalds....Okay, I'll quit.....wait....Someone's at the door.........(Jeopardy music).....a cheque...and keys to a Mercedes and Lamborghini and a life time supply of Coca Cola and a life time supply of Apple products....a cheque from Google that will allow me to pay off my mortgage etc...a life time supply of ice cream and Druxys and McDonalds products..... Read on while I eat.)
The show’s producers hoped that
audiences wouldn’t be able to tell much difference and accept the new actor in
the beloved role of Darrin. The sudden switch between actors came to be dubbed
“The Darrin Syndrome.” Unfortunately for them, the switch was noticed by
audiences worldwide and they weren’t very forgiving.
13. The theme song actually has
The famous Bewitched theme song is so catchy and definitely familiar but you couldn’t really sing it because it didn’t have any words. Yet, that isn’t entirely true!
While we never heard the lyrics sung
in the opening, they do exist. Howard Greenfield and Jack Keller wrote and
composed the theme song for Bewitched but the producers decided to go with an
instrumental version instead! “Bewitched, bewitched, you’ve got me in your
14. Darrin wasn’t the only
switched-out character
Darrin wasn’t the only character on the show to be swapped out. The nosy neighbor, Gladys Kravitz was also played by two actresses. The character was well known for her overly dramatic freakouts and high-pitched screams.
First, Alice Pearce took the role,
and later, the role was given to Sandra Gould. The character was so beloved
that it won Pearce a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a
15. Bewitched’s set was a
As much as you would like to think that every location we see on TV and in movies is real and unique, chances are the set was used before or will be used again. If you have a really good eye for detail you’ll start noticing these houses popping up in other series and films.
The set used in the 1959 movie
“Gidget” was actually a real house in Santa Monica and the blueprint design was
later reversed and reproduced for the set of Bewitched! Columbia Pictures also
used the patio and living room sets from Gidget Goes to Rome (1963). Rival
series I Dream of Jeannie also used the set, making it quite magical! ( zl: and people bug me for going to Value Village and The Salvation Army. I'd like to thank the Salvation Army for all they might have done for my family.)
16. Samantha’s original name was
Cassandra just doesn’t seem like the
right name for a young-looking blonde witch who wins the heart of a mortal! In
the beginning developments of this ABC show, Sol Saks had the actress Tammy
Grimes in mind to play the main character and planned on naming the witch
The English actress, however, turned
down the role after she read the script and decided instead to pursue her own
series, The Tammy Grimes Show. The show was, however, short-lived. The Tammy
Grimes Show was poorly received and canceled after just four episodes. We
wonder if she has any regrets considering how popular Bewitched became! ( zl: That's what you get for being picky. We don't know if the show would have had any success with her in the lead role though.)
17. York had a seizure on set

Actor Dick York had a seizure on the
set of Bewitched and was rushed to the hospital, he never returned to his role
as Darrin. He tore the muscles along the right side of his back in an accident
on the set of the movie “They Came to Cordura,” setting his life and career on
a downward spiral.
York, while attempting to recover,
became addicted to painkillers. He eventually broke the habit but his physical
body never healed. York died of complications with emphysema in 1992 at the age
of 63. His role as Darrin went to actor Dick Sargent, who was originally
offered the role.
18. Dick Sargent made a bold move
Darrin number two, Dick Sargent,
made headlines in 1991 when he came out as gay on National Coming Out Day. He
became an outspoken advocate for gay rights issues, citing high rates of gay
teen suicide as the main reason.
Sargent was diagnosed with prostate
cancer and his poor health led many to falsely assume that he suffered from
HIV/AIDS. He died in 1994 at the age of 64. Montgomery, upon hearing of his
passing, said: “He was a great friend, and I will miss his love, his sense of
humor and his remarkable courage.”
19. The Kravtiz’s shared their house
with another TV series!
Just like Samantha and Darrin’s home
was used by other shows and movies, their nosy neighbors’ house was also a
hand-me-down. On the set, the Kravitzs and Stephens weren’t actually neighbors.
In fact, the Kravitz house was down
the street from the Stephen’s “house” and was used for others shows as well.
From 1964 to 1966, the house was used on The Donna Reed Show. Then later, it
was used in The Partridge Family at the same time! This must have been a
popular house seeing as it was used for over 50 years!
20. Bewitched had a rival show
Bewitched was (zl: I think that should be wasn't) the only show airing
in the 60’s that was about a young woman with magical power. The creator of I
Dream of Jeannie, Sidney Sheldon was inspired by Bewitched and its success,
hence why he aired his show on the rival network, NBC.
I Dream of Jeannie came out a year
later in 1965 and although it wasn’t as popular as Bewitched, Elizabeth
Montgomery wasn’t happy with her counterpart, the magical Jeannie. She reportedly
considered the show to be nothing more than creative theft. I mean, they are
both magical blonde women who fall in love with a mortal…
21. We loved the recurring
As beloved as the main characters
were, fans also loved seeing the recurring characters who were played by
amazing actors!
Paul Lynde, the actor who played
Harry MacAfee in Bye Bye Birdie was in 10 episodes of Bewitched, playing Uncle
Arthur! Lynde played Samantha’s mother’s prankster brother and he was always
making us laugh with his crazy shenanigans. We also got to see Bernard Fox (Dr.
Bombaby), Alice Ghostley (Esmeralda), and Mabel Albertson (Phyllis Stephens)!
22. Richard Dreyfuss’ first role was
in Bewitched
You may know the actor Richard Dreyfuss from his roles in Jaws, Stand By Me, The Goodbye Girl, and many others!
Before his acting career took off,
he was a young man in Hollywood trying to be cast. Bewitched ended up being one
of his first major TV roles! He was in the episode “Man’s Best Friend” and
played the character Rodney, a warlock that Samantha used to babysit. You have
to start somewhere!
23. Montgomery eventually got tired
of being a witch
You can only play the same role for so long before you get tired of it. Bewitched lasted for 8 seasons and 254 episodes, which is a lot considering it was a show in the 1960’s/70’s.
Elizabeth Montgomery was the only
actor to appear in every episode and after the fifth season, she wanted to
quit. I mean, she was a mother to three kids and 5 seasons was already a lot.
Yet, the producers didn’t want to lose her so they offered her enough money
that she couldn’t say no!
24. There was a spinoff about
With any good show comes a couple of spinoffs to keep some of the characters alive and what better choice than the adorable Tabitha!
5 years after Bewitched ended in
1972, there was a spin-off series called Tabitha based on the adult life of
Tabitha Stephens. The show was aired on ABC but didn’t feature the original
actress, Erin Murphy as Lisa Hartman was cast to play the older daughter. The
show didn’t last very long and there were a lot of continuity differences.
25. Darrin’s secretary was played by
many actresses
Ever noticed how Darrin’s secretary at McMann and Tate seemed to be a different woman many times throughout the series?
Well, the producers never stuck with
one actress playing Betty and I guess since she was a minor character, they
didn’t think audiences would notice! Marcia Wallace was one of the many
actresses to play the secretary and she would later on voice the Simpsons
character Edna Krabappel! Jill Foster also played Betty for 10 episodes.
26. Not afraid to be different
On top of being a feminist pioneer in the television world, Montgomery was also a witch pioneer. Her character Samantha was never afraid of being different from other witches, even if that meant suffering hardships due to her choices and beliefs.
Her marrying a mortal came at a huge
price, both in the magical community and with the mortals. Taking another page
out of the I Love Lucy playbook, Samantha’s mother Endora almost never
pronounces Darrin’s name correctly to show her disapproval of him. Endora
referred to Darrin by names such as Dobbin, Durwood, Delmore, Darryl and more.
Pretty much any name that started with a D, apart from Darrin. Endora only
correctly addresses him as “Darrin” eight times during the entire series.
27. Richard Crenna admits to almost
being Darrin
When the show was first being created, an actor by the name of Richard Sargent was originally going to play the character of Darrin Stephens.
The only thing was that Sargent accepted
another role. In short, Crenna was probably not the first choice of the crew,
but without him, we may or may not have known the Darrin Syndrome. Crenna
declined the role.
28. York’s role
As we mentioned earlier, Richard Crenna declined the part of Darrin, as he had recently invested a lot of time on “The Real McCoys.” Dick York was the runner-up, so he ended up getting the role.
Later on, Dick Sargent replaced him,
but who knows what would have actually happened if he had been there all 8
29. Elizabeth Montgomery’s
During the filming of the entire series, Elizabeth Montgomery was pregnant a total of three times. Her firstborn child was born in 1964, and what’s really cool about her pregnancies, is that the writers and producers squeezed the pregnancy into the script and made everything work naturally.
This way, Adam and Tabitha were
added to the Stephens clan, and it all unfolded smoothly. Montgomery even
decided to name her on set daughter Tabitha. She liked the name because it
sounded “old-fashioned.” If you look closely, however, the name appears as
“Tabatha” on the credit roll. Montgomery says that she “shudders” every time
she sees the mistake. “It’s like a squeaky piece of chalk scratching on my
nerves,” Montgomery said in an interview.
30. Dick York’s Big Role
On the show, Dick York Played the role of Darrin, who was Samantha’s husband. York was a well-liked actor during the decade, simply because fans adored his character on “Bewitched.”
But this wasn’t York’s only big
break in television, he starred in a film called “Inherit the Wind”, which was
also a major hit in the 60s. Such a charming and good-looking actor can’t go
unnoticed for long!
31. The Costumes’ Origin
Louise Tate, Samantha’s closest mortal friend, was played by actress Kasey Rogers. Rogers admitted that all of the supporting actors were required to provide their own costumes, and that clothing was brought into the studio roughly a week before shooting.
What’s hilarious about this, is that
the actual costume department would take these clothes and clean and iron them
for them to be TV ready. Talk about service.
32. A Unique Brooch
Actress Agnes Moorehead had a
spectacular starburst diamond brooch which she wore often during filming. This
brooch consisted of 8.5 carats of diamonds, old school ones, so they were huge
and vintage-looking.
Elizabeth Montgomery absolutely
adored that brooch, and Moorehead bequeathed the brooch to her TV daughter when
she passed away in 1974. Moorehead, like so many of the Bewitched cast, died of
cancer, specifically uterine cancer. She is remembered for her highly
successful career that spanned six decades. Moorehead won two Golden Globes and
a Primetime Emmy for her work on camera.
33. Off Camera Friendships
One of the best parts of working in the industry is that just like any other workplace, there are many friendships formed off-set, or after work hours. While Darrin hated Endora on the series, the two actors were great friends off the set, and an amazing friendship stemmed from having worked together.
Bewitched historian Herbie J. Pilato
wrote in his book that, “Dick York absolutely loved Agnes Moorehead . . . quite
simply the relationship between Dick York and Agnes Moorehead was the exact
opposite of the relationship between Darrin and Endora.” The two reportedly
bonded over their love of spirituality. According to Dick Sargent, Moorehead
would arrive to set with “the Bible in one hand and the script in the other”
34. Moorehead’s disapproval
Moorhead was quite a fan of Dick York’s talent and when he was replaced by Dick Sargent, she wasn’t very happy. Their dislike of each other certainly created some epic passive-aggressive tension on the set. Perfect for the character dynamic between Darrin and Endora.
Moorehead and Sargent reportedly had
major fights on set and even reduced Sargent to tears on multiple occasions.
Their constant fighting, however, ended up bringing the two closer together.
Moorehead and Sargent eventually became lifelong friends.
35. The creator publicly revealed
his inspiration for the show
I Married A Witch and Bell, Book and Candle were the names of the films that inspired the series. Sol Saks, the creator, modeled the script of the pilot episode after the plots of the movies.
In several interviews, he claimed
that he wasn’t super concerned about legal threats because both films were
owned by Columbia, as well as Screen Gems, which was the same company that
created the Bewitched series.
36. Sweet Auntie Clara
Aunt Clara somehow managed to make herself seem sweeter to Darrin, regardless of the fact that he disliked a majority of Samantha’s family in the script. But somehow she always seemed to bring out the best in Darrin. Maybe it was her senile kookiness.
If only people could be that polite
in real life when dealing with their in-laws/spouses family.
37. The story behind Jonathan’s name
On the show, when Louise and Larry Tate had a son, David White, the actor made a huge request for the child to be named Jonathan.
He made this request because, in real life, he actually had a son named Jonathan, who had been raised solely by White himself.
38. The “Sisters at Heart” episode was written by high school kids
The idea behind the story that was
included in the “Sisters at Heart” episode was written by 22 African American
10th graders, from a high school in South Central Los Angeles. Most of the
students were unable to read or write. The storyline dealt with racism and
acceptance, themes common to the progressive series.
The episode was heralded as
“thoughtful” and masterfully handling such a sensitive topic. Somewhat
ironically though, at one point the episode featured Darrin, Samantha and
Tabitha in black-face, which certainly wouldn’t be politically correct by
today’s standards. But as it was used as a tool to break down prejudice and
racism audiences and critics received the episode with open arms.
39. The series lives on
Even though the series ended in
1972, the cultural effects of Bewitched are still being felt today. It is one
of the most beloved series of the 60s and 70s and ranks on “TV Guides 50
Greatest Shows of All Time.” A monument was even built in the series’ honor!
A statue of Samantha flying on a
broomstick was unveiled in Salem, Massachusetts in 2005. The monument marked
the show’s 40th anniversary. Also, apart from getting viewers everywhere to try
to wiggle their noses, the sitcom was one of the first feminist sitcoms on the
40. Montgomery stood up for others
Elizabeth Montgomery was well known for her acting career and her amazing beauty, but her personal life was a different story. She succeeded in keeping it just that, private. So much so that when she died in 1995 many of her obituaries neglected to mention that she was married to Robert Foxworth, because they didn’t know.
What might surprise you about
Montgomery is that she was a fierce supporter of gay rights, long before being
popular. Indeed, she was one of the earliest celebrities to support the cause.
She also advocated for AIDS patients and volunteered during the peak of the
AIDS crisis.
41. Bewitched movie
The 2005 movie Bewitched attempted to continue the success of the series with actors Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell. Sadly, that’s not what happened. The movie was a critical and commercial failure. Movie critics said that the film was “haunted by scattered laughs and a lack of direction.”
The new Bewitched also earned the
two main actors a Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple… Ouch. Kidman
was praised as “capturing the character,” most of the blame fell on Ferrell who
played the role of Darrin. He was also nominated for worst director, worst
actor and worst remake or sequel. It doesn’t get any more brutally honest than
42. Erin was the better twin
Well, that’s awkward but I guess you can’t expect both of the toddlers to be a natural on TV!
As you know, fraternal twin toddlers
Diane Murphy and Erin Murphy shared the role of Tabitha starting in season 3.
Erin seemed to be much more comfortable in front of the camera and audiences
loved watching Samantha’s adorable little witch! That is why Erin was used more
for talking scenes and close-ups. In later seasons, Diane would be dropped from
the show because the twins started to look less alike. Talk about sibling
43. Potion of youth
Many question how Elizabeth maintained her looks so well. Really, it’s astonishing, and as though she put some sort of anti-aging spell on herself, and that it has lasted ever since.
I hope that when I get to that age,
that I can maintain my looks of youth with whatever she used to do it for
herself. She looked amazing and youthful throughout her life, up until her untimely
death in 1995.
44. Samantha’s Magic
In the 1960’s, CGI still didn’t exist, so other methods of creating “magic” had to be made to get the point across. Stagehands were the solution to creating Samantha’s moments of magic. The actress had to stand with her arms extended up, and the director would have to yell, “Cut!”
In lieu of CGI, the stagehands took
away the mess, and she obviously had a lot of help keeping her hands up,
because man, that’d be tiring.
45. Intentions of Tolerance
In the episode of “Sisters at Heart”, Samantha puts a spell on one of Darrin’s clients, who is a bigot.
The spell caused him to see everyone
around him, including himself, as having black skin. For that, the actors had
to act in blackface, hence why it wouldn’t be so politically correct today.
Were you a fan of Samantha and the
gang? SHARE this article with your friends and let them know!
When Bewitched first was televised
on September 1964, no one imagined it would be as successful as it is today.
While the show lasted a good eight seasons, Samantha’s signature twitchy nose
is something that’s still recognizable today. Aside from that, the story was
also made into a movie starring Nicole Kidman and Will Farrell.
Bewitched held great fame, finishing as the number two show in America during its debut season, and becoming the longest running supernatural themed sitcom of the 1960s–1970s. The show continues to be seen throughout the world in syndication and on recorded media.
While Samantha tried her best to
keep her own secrets, the show’s producers weren’t able to keep everything out
of the public’s watching eye. Here are some things you may not know about
12. Elizabeth Montgomery Was Never
We all know that the star of the
show was Elizabeth Montgomery. She was known as Samantha Stephens the nose
wiggling witch and everybody loved her character. That character launched her
career and catapulted her to stardom. But as a Hollywood actress, you need to
be versatile. So aside from playing Samantha, she also played Serena,
Samantha’s cousin. Now you know why they look awfully alike.
11. The Show’s Inspiration
The TV show was created by Sol Saks after he watched the films I Married A Witch and Bell, Book and Candle. Sol Saks reproduced the script for the pilot episode after the film. He has said in interviews since the airing of the show, he wasn’t worried about any lawsuit. Considering that both films were owned by Columbia Pictures, which also owned Screen Gems the company that produced Bewitched. Good for him, as the show became a huge success. There’s no harm in trying, right?
10. Mr. York’s Story
Actor Richard Crenna was offered the
role Darrin, but he had just spent several years on “The Real McCoys,” so he
passed. Dick York ended up with the lead male role. Dick Sargent would later
take the role, but we’ll never know if the show would have lasted 8 seasons
with him in the first place.
Dick York’s departure was never
explained on the show but he had a good reason for it. York tore most of the
muscles on the right side of his back while filming Cordura, and never
recovered completely. Doctors gave him pain medication, but it really didn’t
help that much.
9. Stagehands
Since special effects weren’t as good back in the 1960s, stagehands worked hard to create Samantha’s “magic.” If she wanted to quickly tidy up the living room, Elizabeth Montgomery would stand in place with her arms up while the director yelled, “Cut!” and stagehands removed the clutter.
She was allowed to have crutch-like
devices to help keep her arms up for long periods of time. She was only allowed
to lower her arms and continue the scene when the director yelled, “Action!”
Now, that was tiring.
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