Thursday, January 16, 2014

Get rich quick

Blog (television comedy) jan 16, 2014

I'm gonna go sideways to talk about comedy that I've discovered on the Internet.  You'll see the connection to television comedy soon, I hope.

The topic is "get rich schemes".

Have you ever searched the net for ways to make money without having to go to work "9 -5"?  Well. I have.

Just to keep my promise-- there have been plenty of money scams on television.

I won't mention names but I'm sure you would recognize a lot if I did.  

The ad usually asks a few questions that are meant to hook you into an idea.  

Some questions could be as follows:

1.  Do you need money?
2.  Do you hate going to work?
3.   Do you want to be your own boss?

Most of us would answer "yes" to all of those questions.  

We are then asked to send a huge amount of money or make six easy payments to learn the secrets that will help you make lots of money.

The real secret is to make commercials and have people send you money for a copy of your copy of common sense secrets.

There are great ways of making money but most them take some time and a great deal of money and time investment.

Well that wasn't as fun as I hoped but you can share your thoughts.

Remember "if it sounds too good to be true it is".

Okay now back to tickling myself or a cute little kitten.

I bet you're reaction is "awwwww...." or "that's creepy".

Maybe I'll have a long conversation with my stuffed rat.

Thanks for reading.  See you again, soon.

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