Friday, May 11, 2012

Get Smart

Get Smart
Just in case you've been under a rock like I usually am I wanted to tell you that there is a new Get Smart movie out now.

Don't go see it until you've memorized all the pages of my website.

Okay just some of it. Well I saw the trailer and I might just ........ Oh I'll finish writing before I run out to see the movie.

I did watch the series when I was younger. I just wish I wasn't such a kid when I did get to watch it. I did enjoy the show when I watched it. I was always going out to play and breathe clean air ....well the dog had a digestion problem.....more on that later.

I want to see all the episodes of the show some day and I will see the movie soon......Oh crap I keep forgetting you are reading.

See the rest of the page. See the movie. Send me a dollar.

Have fun and Get Smart.

Get Smart

Category: Sitcom

Created by: Mel Brooks and Buck Henry

Starring: Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, and Edward Platt

Number of Seasons: 5

Number of Episodes: 138 plus 7 revival

Original Run: September 18, 1965 to September 11, 1970, revival January 15, 1995 to February 1995

Get Smart is an American television series that satirized the secret agent genre. Created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, the show stars Don Adams as Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 of CONTROL, a secret U.S. government spy agency.

The series won seven Emmy Awards and was nominated for an additional fourteen, as well as two Golden Globe Awards.

Get Smart Premise

Maxwell Smart is an inept secret agent (Don Adams). He is also known as Agent 86, His partner is Agent 99 (Barbara Feldon), who's real name is never revealed. Even after Smart marries her, he continues to address her as "99" because he never actually learns her real name. Smart and 99 work for CONTROL, a secret U.S. government spy agency based in Washington, D.C. (at 123 Main Street). Together, the pair investigate and thwart various threats to the world, though Smart's bungling incompetence invariably causes complications. However, at each story's climax, Smart never fails to save the day, typically thanks to his own dumb luck and 99's skill. Looking on is the long-suffering Chief of CONTROL, played by Edward Platt, who is always addressed as "Chief."

Unlike Agent 99, Chief is revealed to have a first name--Thaddeus--on a few occasions. He also has a code letter--Q--which is only mentioned in one episode. The nemesis of CONTROL is KAOS (pronounced chaos), and KAOS's Vice

President of Public Relations and Terror, Ludwig Siegfried (Bernie Kopell), shows up often as Maxwell Smart's foe, or would-be assassin. Though on opposite sides, Max and Siegfried click personally, and speak fondly of one another--even when trying to kill each other. Despite being capitalized, CONTROL and KAOS are not acronyms and do not stand for anything.

Click here to see a great Get Smart video clip

Get Smart

Other characters included Hymie the Robot (Dick Gautier), a powerful android (built originally by KAOS but reprogrammed to work for CONTROL) who tends to take orders too literally; Agent 13 (Dave Ketchum), who is always being stationed inside weird, unlikely places, such as mailboxes, washing machines, lockers, and other objects; Agent 44 (Victor French), who regularly suffers the same fate as Agent 13 (the main difference between them being that while Agent 13 grumbles and rages about his situation, 44 pouts and cries); the Chief's slow-witted assistant Agent Larrabee (Robert Karvelas), the only CONTROL agent known to be more inept and more of a bungler than Max; Siegfried's chief henchman Shtarker (King Moody); and Fang (Agent K-9), a badly-trained CONTROL dog.

Get Smart

Pilot Episode

Filmed and presented in black and white, the first episode has Max leaving a show and across the road walking down some outside stairs and then the title sequence begins with Max going through several steel doors and finally into a phone booth; after picking up the phone, dialing, then hanging up, an ultra-fast elevator drops Smart off camera, presumably depositing him at CONTROL's underground headquarters. In following episodes, he would go through the doors of a building to enter CONTROL HQ. He has not been to CONTROL HQ (which is situated in Washington DC and was set up in 1957) for a while and meets the Chief again.

The Cone of Silence (a worthless invention where nothing can be heard outside as well as inside) is shown. Sent on a mission to stop KAOS, which is back in business after a long break, Max meets 99 for the first time; Fang (Agent K-13) the dog also makes an appearance. In this episode, Max removes the whole sole of his shoe to use it as a telephone to call the Chief instead of later episodes just swivelling the heel.

Get Smart Gadgets

Smart has many gadgets and gadgets are used often throughout each episode. Smart has a shoe phone. He is often told by characters he is with that his shoe is ringing. He had to take his shoe off to use and to make a call he had to insert a dime. Max had a communication watch. He had phones concealed in his necktie, his belt, and his handkerchief. He had a Bunsen burner phone which kept disconnecting when he used the letter "p". There was a gun phone that led to the line "I'll call you back; I think I'm gonna have to fire my phone." The show used this phone in funny places as a running gag.

Another gadget used on the show was the Cone of Silence which was supposed to let people talk to each other without being overheard by others or gadgets nearby. The problem was the people under the cone could not hear each other and would cause frustration. This would lead to inventive ways of covering up their conversations. Observers outside the cone would actually hear everything and relay messages to the people in the cone.

The Cone actually worked as intended once. However, at the end of the conversation, the Cone malfunctioned leaving the Chief trapped within, with silent screams of frustration as Agent 86 walked away. The 1989 reunion movie Get Smart, Again! revealed that Max and 99 had purchased a surplus Cone and placed it over their bed--it was just as reliable as any other Cone Of Silence, which is to say, not at all.

Get Smart Catch Phrases

Maxwell Smart

"Sorry about that, [Chief]"

"Missed it by that much"

"Would you believe....?", eg:"Would you believe that this island is surrounded by the entire 6th Fleet?" Response: "I find that very hard to believe, Mr. Smart." He would continue "Would you believe the 7th Fleet? How about two cops in a dinghy?"

"Good thinking 99"

"I asked you not to tell me that!"

Whenever an outrageously oversized object appears...... "....that's the SECOND biggest ......I've ever seen"

After being told he would be in danger every minute of his assignment, he would always take on a profound face and say " .....and loving it."

Get Smart Cars

AMT, a major producer of model car kits, later bought out by Ertl, produced a replica of the 1965 Sunbeam Tiger roadster Smart drove in the opening credits. Complete with a hoard of hidden weapons, it is the only kit of the Tiger produced to date and is highly coveted by collectors. The start of the 1968 season put Smart in a Volkswagen Karmann Ghia for the opening credits; the car never appeared in the show itself. He also began driving a 1969 Opel GT, with a new phone: the giant rotary telephone dial covered the steering wheel, revisiting a gag first seen in a first-season episode.

Get Smart Spies at Work

CONTROL and KAOS did not seem to be above everyday bureaucracy and business quirks. KAOS is a Delaware corporation for tax purposes. CONTROL's union is the Guild of Surviving Control Agents, and Max is their negotiator; when a captured KAOS agent tells him about their survivors's benefits, the Chief is within earshot, and Max promptly uses the information for his labor talks.

In one episode, where Max infiltrates a KAOS-run garden shop, Max refuses to arrest the manager until after 5 p.m., so he can collect a full day's pay from the shop. The Chief threatens to fire him, but Max is not afraid; according to CONTROL's seniority policy, "If I get fired from CONTROL, Larrabee moves up!" The Chief gives in and lets Max stay on the job, rather than risk having the (even more) inept Larrabee take Max's place.

In another episode, Siegfried and Max casually discuss the various flavors of cyanide pills they have been issued. It was Raspberry that month at CONTROL, and Max offered Siegfried a taste. In that same episode Max and Siegfried have a show and tell of various weapons they have--Max boasts of having a deadly non-regulation pistol--from a Chicago Mail Order House. (The prop in use is actually an 1896 Mauser C96 pistol.) Cover names were common, but sent up as being used unwisely--in an art gallery, a phone call is announced for an alias, and Max identifies himself as the person in question. Second, third and fourth calls come in, each with its own alias--the last of which was his own name (Maxwell Smart), which he initially does not answer--and Max tells the skeptical gallery owner that those are his names as well, making it obvious to any spy that he is taking calls from fellow agents and informants. Max then proceeds to make himself even more visible by tangling the handset cords of the four phones together.

CONTROL also has a policy of burning pertinent documents after cases are closed; the reasons why were detailed in their rules and regulations book, but nobody can read them, since they burned the only copy. In the interest of company morale, both CONTROL and KAOS have their own bowling teams.

Get Smart Books and Comics

A series of original novels based upon the series were published in the late 1960s. In addition, Dell Comics published a comic book for 8 issues during 1966 and 1967, drawn in part by Steve Ditko.

Get Smart Misc

Brooks and Henry originally wanted Tom Poston to play Maxwell Smart, but NBC executives insisted on Adams because he was already under contract to the network (I've seen Tom Poston on The Bob Newhart Show and Grace Under Fire. I think he would have been funny in the part too. I am still glad that Don Adams did a great job on the part) . Many of Smart's gags and one-liners were added by Adams himself from a secret-agent comedy routine he'd performed in the past; the voice he used in character was a parody imitation of William Powell's voice.

In a TV Land special on the series the producers said during the first year of the series they received many inquiries from the CIA. It seems that some of the corny or silly "spy equipment" actually existed. The CIA asked, "Where did [the producers] get this info on this device?" etc., and the producers told them honestly they made it up. After the first year, the producers decided that after filming an episode, they would send a copy to CIA Headquarters with a letter saying, "There might be something here that you probably could use."

Barbara Feldon was two inches taller than Don Adams, but the show sought to depict Maxwell Smart as taller than 99. Although Long shots often showed that Feldon was taller, when possible, Feldon would often slouch, wear flats or in her stocking-feet; and/or Adams would stand on a small platform.

In an episode in which Maxwell Smart is in court and calls the Chief to the stand, asked to give his full name, the Chief replies, "That is classified information." The judge then asks if he can give only his first name; he replies "Thaddeus." (The installment in question is titled "The Day Smart Turned Chicken.")

According to one episode, the Chief's "number" was Q. He was an agent before they started using numbers. The number 86 for Smart was presumably chosen because it was bartenders' slang for not serving an inebriated customer, having been derived from clerks' slang for "We're all out of the item ordered." One explanation of the origin of that usage is that 86 was rhyming slang for "nix".

In theatrical and movie-making slang, to "86" something -- a prop or a light, for instance -- is to remove or "strike" it.

One episode had Smart going up against a villain named Dr. Yes, a parody of Dr. No. Dr. Yes even had a similar scheme to Dr. No, using radio waves to send US rockets out of control.

Though Zachary Smart's name was revealed in the FOX revival, his sister's name remains as yet unrevealed.

Get Smart

In a 1980 all-celebrity episode of Family Feud, Don Adams and Bernie Kopell once again found themselves on opposite sides, playing on behalf of charities. This time, Kopell's side won. When Don Adams died on September 26, 2005, Barbara Feldon, Dick Gautier and Bernie Kopell became the only surviving main cast members of Get Smart.

Some of the secondary cast has been used several times as backup cast. For example, Larabee can be seen in the episode where Smart is wanted for murder and holding up a bank, as a member of the jury.

Don Adams is the only actor to appear in every episode of the series. Barbara Feldon appeared in the second highest amount of episodes, appearing in 131 of the 138 episodes. (Although, in "Ice Station Siegfried", Don Adams was sick during shooting and was only shown in one scene.)

In 1973, Dean Katz, a student at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington and a long-time fan of Get Smart, founded the independent community radio station KAOS 89.3 FM, named after the evil syndicate that served as the principal villain in the series. The radio station still operates under the KAOS call letters today.

This series marked the debut of game show panelist turned actress Barbara Feldon.

In one episode, 99's mother mentions that 99's father was a spy.

Get Smart Inconsistencies

Jim Boles appeared twice as KAOS Scientist Dr. Rattan. The error is that he "dies" twice. The first time he is shot and killed by his own creation Hymie the Robot. The second time he is killed by his own creation Grobo.

In the movie The Nude Bomb (also known as The Return of Maxwell Smart or Maxwell Smart and the Nude Bomb) CONTROL was instead named PITS (Provisional Intelligence Tactical Service).

KAOS Mr. Big

The black-and-white pilot is the only time the KAOS Boss, also known as "Mr. Big," is seen, played by Michael Dunn (although others played the head of KAOS in other episodes).


Don Adams (as Maxwell Smart, CONTROL Agent 86) Barbara Feldon (as CONTROL Agent 99) Edward Platt (as Thaddeus, the Chief of CONTROL; The cover name he uses are John Doe or Harold Clark)

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Get Smart
Recurring Characters


Richard Gautier (as Hymie, the CONTROL robot)

John Schuck (as second Hymie, the CONTROL robot)

Victor French (as CONTROL Agent 44)

Al Molinaro (as second CONTROL Agent 44)

David Ketchum (as CONTROL Agent 13)

Stacy Keach, Sr (as Carlson)

Robert Karvelas (as Larrabee)

William Schallert (as Admiral Harold Harmon Hargrade)

Frank De Vol (as Carleton)

Milton Selzer (as Parker)

Bryan O'Byrne (as Hodgkins)

Angelique Pettyjohn (as Charlie Watkins)

KAOS Agents

Michael Dunn (as Mr. Big; Pilot episode only)

Bernie Kopell (as Siegfried)

King Moody (as Shtarker)

Leonard Strong (as The Claw; Because the Claw had difficulty pronouncing L's, Max always called him "The Craw")

John Doucette (as Colonel von Klaus)

Lee Kolima (as Bobo)

Jim Boles (as Dr. Ratton)

Ted de Corsia (as Spinoza Natz)

Milton Selzer (again as Parker — he was a double agent!)Paul Richards (as Ironhand)

Larry Storch (as the Groovy Guru)

Leonard Nimoy (as Stryker in "The Dead Spy Scrawls," 1966)

Get Smart Others Characters

Joey Forman (as Detective Harry Hoo)

Jane Dulo (as Agent 99's mother)

Robert Cornthwaite (as Professor Windish)

Gordon Jump (as Hobson)

Ellen Weston (as Dr. Steele)

Ella Edwards (as Miss Haskins)

Rose Michtom (various appearances in 27 episodes)

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